CLS makes the key and lock plan in cooperation with casino owners/directors and according to the procedures and different employees on the floor of each individual casino.
All the employees are provided with only one single key. This is a basic safety feature and preferable to large bunches of keys.
One person with his own individual key may access different applications.
Locks can be programmed to be opened with several different keys or by employees of different departments if and when required.
Below you will find a sample of a lock chart which may vary according to the procedures in the casino. On one hand, the lock chart lists all the different keys and key-users of a casino, on the other hand it shows all the casino’s applications. The blocks in the lock chart tell you which person/key has access to which application.
Click on picture for a larger image
Download: sample Lock Chart (Pdf file)
Download: blank Lock Chart (Excel-file)
Below are two samples of a slot machine key & lock plan. Two downloads are available to visualize a pre-filled lock plan as well as a blank lock plan.
Click on picture for a larger image
Download: Sample Slot Plan (PDF)
Download: Blank Slot Plan (PDF)